Applicable Form of Executive Clemency: Commutation of Sentence
Eligibility: All inmates are eligible to apply. If a previous commutation of sentence petition was denied, the inmate must wait one year from the notice of denial to reapply.
Application Process: Applications are available upon request by contacting:
Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
Executive Clemency Section
8610 Shoal Creek Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757
Tel: (512) 406-5852
Fax: (512) 467-0945
Full instructions on how to apply for a commutation are provided on the application form which can be viewed and printed here
The Board of Pardons and Paroles reviews written applications for commutation of sentence and issues a recommendation to the Governor.
In order for the Board to consider an application, it must receive:
- A completed application that is signed and dated by the applicant
- A written recommendations of a majority of the current trial officials (the present sheriff, prosecuting attorney, and judge) in the county and court of offense and conviction
A recommendation of a trial official must include:
- A statement that the penalty imposed now appears to be excessive
- A recommendation of a definite term now considered to be just and proper by the official
- A statement of the reasons for the recommendation based upon facts directly related to the facts of the case and in existence, but not available to, the court or jury at the time of the trial, or a statutory change in penalty for the crime which would appear to make the original penalty excessive
If the Board recommends commutation of sentence, the Governor will make the final decision. The applicant will be notified in writing upon final action.
Applicants should make the Board aware of any changes of address or telephone number.
Every effort has been made to make this information accurate and up-to-date. Errors are inevitable and changes occur frequently. We would appreciate learning of any errors or inaccuracies regarding any information on this Webpage as soon as possible. Please write to info@cjpf.org
Last Updated: 06/30/14